Web wallpaper

Here are some guidelines for composing the right ad for our site

Product - Brand
Template to download

The part blue is the content of our site.
It's above everything else.
Its width is 1230 px.

The part yellow is optional. It allows you to display a banner at the very top of the page.
Its height is variable (between 0 and 150 px).
Its width extends over the entire site (2,560 px).

Parts roses are on the sides of the site. They are displayed in varying widths according to the size of the user's screen.
A width of 665 px is required for screens capable of displaying the site at full width.
Our advice is to stick your content as close as possible to the blue edges of our site.

Example of skinning by scrolling through the content of our site

Notes :

  • This ad will be displayed only on large screens (larger than 1,300 pixels wide).
  • Available on desktop screens
  • Image in .jpg or .png format

Provide us with :

A 2560 x 1300 px image file and a destination link
