Moving forward together

Comment une culture d’innovation avant-gardiste a permis à Eddyfi Technologies d’être à la fine pointe de l’innovation sur le marché avec le Floormap®X, the latest solution for storage tank inspection?

Eddyfi Technologies has what Stuart Kenny, General Manager of the Silverwing product line, describes as " a great culture of great people working together brilliantly, operating in six different key locations around the world, each with its own area of expertise ". Matthew Boat, Product Manager, agrees, adding that " c’est une entreprise très progressiste qui évolue rapidement et qui a de grandes idées – c’est pourquoi les systèmes que nous fabriquons sont si passionnants. Et peu importe où vous travaillez dans le monde, le grand patron connaît votre nom et vous vous sentez toujours valorisé ". Eddyfi Technologies has grown rapidly (and continues to do so). As part of this expansion, it acquired Swansea-based Silverwing six years ago. " Silverwing has a great traditional name that's synonymous with quality. Then Eddyfi Technologies brought with it extensive R&D resources and a vast international sales force. "says Stuart. Eddyfi's Floormap technology was developed thirty years ago, and this latest incarnation, Floormap®X, has been in development for three years. Those three years have been a labor of love, says Stuart: " Cela peut sembler long, mais ce n’est vraiment pas une corvée quand on est passionné par ce que l’on fait. Nous aimons cette industrie ".

La toute nouvelle solution multi-technologies d’inspection de fonds de réservoirs de stockage

Le Floormap®X from Eddyfi Technologies is the only multi-element MFL (magnetic flux leakage) tank bottom scanner with unprecedented efficiency and the ability to tackle almost any tank. In fact, it's the number-one solution in its class for providing accurate tank-bottom mapping and non-mapping reports in the most efficient way. Simply put, it finds small defects and enables immediate action, thus extending inspection intervals. According to Eddyfi, Floormap®X's improved detection and resolution capabilities combine with its overall efficiency and advances in coverage to complement advances in ergonomics, battery management, integrated lighting and raw magnetic power to help many customers worldwide convert to the new model and provide a modern, sophisticated inspection tool for the inspection of all storage tanks. Floormap®X offers unrivalled detection probability - even in the critical zone - and can handle thick plates and coatings with flying colors. Indeed, it incorporates Eddyfi's patented STARS technology, which enables top-to-bottom corrosion discrimination, and it can be used in either full floor mapping mode or Freescan™ mode. All these factors combine to make this system a tool that dramatically increases the efficiency of tank bottom inspection.

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Adapted from an article originally published in Storage Tanks Magazine, Autumn 2020.

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